EU Projects

Noyen has been working with foreign companies and institutions right from the start. The cooperation is about product and service distribution, as well as research and development projects. Our patents and solutions let us take part in interesting international projects. Noyen is also actively seeking grants from the EU. So far, we have participated in the following projects:
- Regional Operational Programme for Lubelskie 2007-2013, Action 2.4 Economic Marketing (Scheme A): “Development of GT85 Polska Sp. z o. o. company by increasing competitivity by taking part in industry exhibitions in 2008/2009”.
- Regional Operational Programme for Lubelskie 2007-2013, Action 1.2 Investment grants for micro-enterprises; “Introduction of innovative technological solutions and products in GT85 Polska Sp. z o. o. company by investing in fixed assets, ICT technology and non-material and legal values”.
- Regional Operational Programme for Lubelskie 2007-2013, Action 2.4 Economic Marketing; “Increase of GT85 Polska Sp. z o. o. company competitivity at local and national market by taking part in industry events”.
- Regional Operational Programme for Lubelskie 2007-2013, Action 1.3 Investment Grants for small and medium enterprises; “Innovative industrial cleaning machines in the offer of GT85 Polska Sp. z o. o. company as a base for an increase of company competitivity in the national and European market”.
- Project Grant: Growth of Research and Development infrastructure of GT85 Polska Sp. z o. o. company in order to start a R&D service of the chemical lab, for companies from automotive, electrochemical, construction, machine and medical industries basing on Regional Operational Programme for Lubelskie 2014-2020, Priority: 1 RESEARCH AND INNOVATION, Action 1.3, co-financed by the EU.

- Working Capital grant for Noyen Sp. z o. o. in Acton 1.5 Working capital grants of Regional Operational Programme for Eastern Poland 2014-2020 co-founded by the European Regional Development Fund.
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