Noyen » Case studies » Final washing of several meters long aluminum profiles with complex cross-section for a manufacturer of measurement stations

Final washing of several meters long aluminum profiles with complex cross-section for a manufacturer of measurement stations

Our new client is a supplier of high-quality measurement systems. Its applications are relied upon by machine tool manufacturers and laboratories around the world. Due to the non-standard size of the parts to be washed, the customer was looking for a tailor-made solution.

What did the customer need?

The customer approached us with a need to remove contaminants after CNC machining – aluminum chips and coolant that were left on parts in large quantities due to insufficient blow-off inside the CNC machine. The profiles requiring washing varied in length – from a few centimeters to several meters. The challenge was not only to get rid of the particles, but also to achieve the required surface tension of 50 mN/m.

Solution implemented at the customer’s site

We have designed a multi-chamber cleaning machine from the NOYEN ULTRA series, which consists of 9 sections: loading, 7 process chambers and unloading. The machine has 2 wash tanks, 3 rinse tanks, a drying station and a reinforced vacuum drying chamber, which completely removes moisture from the parts in just a few minutes.

The parts placed in the process basket are moved to the next sections via a manipulator. After leaving a particular chamber, the basket is tilted and moved vertically to generate additional liquid movement. This allows the height of the process baskets to be significantly lower, reducing energy costs and optimizing investment costs.

We distinguished ourselves from the competition by our comprehensive approach to the process. We conducted a series of tests in our laboratory and selected a washing technology that would guarantee the highest quality and allow us to achieve repeatable results. The process uses spray pre-washing with dedicated nozzles precisely positioned for individual references, immersion washing with ultrasound, and several stages of rinsing in demineralized water. By using the appropriate washing technology, we achieved the level of surface wettability required by the customer.

  • Dimensions of cleaning machine (mm): 15000 (L) x 8000 (W) x 4500 (H).
  • Maximum load: approx. 200 kg per section
  • Cycle time: approx. 8 minutes / basket
  • Electricity consumption for water heating: 0 kW by using process heat from the customer’s

We are guided by the idea of sustainability, so the device is designed to consume as little energy as possible. The whole machine is heated using process heat, the tanks are closed with lids and thermally insulated, while the vapors are condensed before escaping outside the machine. Despite the large size of the machine, we designed it so that every service component is easily accessible.

What did the client gain from working with NOYEN?

The customer chose to work with NOYEN comprehensively because of the extensive portfolio of machines we presented to them during joint reference visits. The machine was fully automated and integrated into the production line and automated high storage warehouses.

Other benefits:

  • Washing machine dedicated to the design and layout of the customer’s workshop
  • Automation of the washing process and redeployment of personnel to other tasks
  • Minimization of energy consumption
  • Full technological selection and NOYEN support in the process

Take a look at the realisation in the following short film 🎥⇣

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